Thursday, November 09, 2006

Closer to the Edge

I know this blog is called adventures in home cooking but I have to file on a fantastic meal I had earlier this week. The food? Good, a kind of Schnitzel but made with chicken breast (flattened and very tender) accompanied by excellent salads including beef tomato with red onion and avocado and spinach. Plus a superb dressing to go with the meat, chopped basil in spiced yoghurt, with some delightful chunky brown bread on the side. The latter cut in to small pieces so you don't load up on it and feel bloated and piggy.

But - the big and amazing thing was the location. A city lawyer's firm on the fifth floor of a beautiful building overlooking St Paul's Cathedral. And I mean right on St Paul's churchyard. If you've seen 'The Madness of King George' when the Royal Family come out on to the steps of St Paul's 'Schmilink und wavink' - it looked directly down on to that. Made the food taste even better, and I was being paid to be there.


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