Thursday, October 19, 2006


Re-reading my first few posts I've realised that with the exception of the baked potatoes and cottage cheese, most of the stuff I've written about is heavy on the meat - bacon sarnies, roasts and Macdonalds. So in order not to give the impression that I am a sole carnivore I want to write about that lovely salad - Coleslaw.

Now it's possible to buy Coleslaw in the supermarket, pre-prepared but I find that it can be rather acidic to the taste, so I've taken to making my own, fresh version. It takes just a few minutes and can be delicious. The trouble is that everyone has their own recipes for it and it can range from the simple carrots, cabbage and mayo through to a huge thing that invloves apples, sultanas, onion and anything else you feel like throwing in. Which is ok by me but this is how I like it.

1 small - medium white cabbage, with the heart or stalk cut out and quartered.
2 medium carrots - peeled, ends removed.
1 small apple, cored and peeled.
Jar of mayonnaise.
White wine vinegar.
Olive oil.

Grate the cabbage in to a good size bowl (you can just chop it but my family prefer it grated). Ditto with the carrots. Add a dessert spoon of oil and same of the WW vinegar. Then introduce a large tablespoon of mayo and mix it all together with a fork. Keep adding the mayo until it's right for you - I like coleslaw quite moist and the oil and vinegar give it a tang. Add the apple after chopping it in to very small dice. Mixing the apple in at the last minute stops it browning. Mix it all again and place in a serving dish. It can then be saved, covered in the fridge until you are ready to serve it with whatever. Weirdly, it goes incredibly well as a side salad for Chilli con Carne. True.


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